ALEXANDER'S COLLECTION is a new concept on the market. The idea of this unusual concept was born many years ago in faraway Shanghai, where I worked for half of my life.
It was the experience of working in this one of the most difficult countries in the world. But it was this invaluable experience that opened up such a narrow and previously unknown niche and opportunity for me.
After many years spent working with leading residential property development companies for Asia's elite, mainly billionaires, who are members of the most private clubs, I decided to bring my knowledge and experience to Spain, where I plan to spend the rest of my life.
Most people have no idea how unique concepts could be. If implemented correctly, they can generate incredible profits and open up opportunities for designers that they don't even realize.

What is happening in interior design today? I have devoted more than 25 years to it, starting out as an product designer, creating annual collections for many niche factories, and then expanding into interior design for the most affluent clients. These clients required unconventional architectural solutions, unique ideas and the most daring conceptions to be realised.
Today, the level of interior design has become a complete chore. Monotonous interiors, so little different from each other very rarely even able to draw attention to themselves. Advertising slogans, so abundantly used to attract attention, make little difference.
If there is simply nothing to look at, such colourful descriptions cause nothing but irritation to the consumer. I don't fully believe that the reason here is such a global change in the taste of designers and their clients. But I am firmly convinced of one thing: the design world today is forced to follow the global stereotypes imposed by the global industry.

Designers today are limited by the options that the manufacturers' factories give them. Take what is in the catalogues! However, this has always been the case, with one difference. Previously, self-respecting brands tried to annually update their collections, supporting the creativity of their own designers. Today, for a number of objective reasons, factories are forced to pay attention to the cost of production.
They depend on many factors that impose an additional cost on the selling price of the goods: the rising cost of electricity, labour, inflation, economic instability on the markets. What does this lead to? It brings a dramatic change in product range. It is necessary to look for new approaches and impose new aesthetics, presenting them as new trends in the decoration market.

Many design companies are forced to open their own carpentry workshops in order to somehow stand out in the market and increase their profit margin. Hence, we see today not interesting interior solutions, but practically the arrangement of furniture in the interior and decorator's selection of accessories. This is what makes an interior today. Few people think about interior architecture. It's all becoming too expensive today.
What is the essence of Alexander's Collection art furniture concept?

The idea is to give professionals unlimited potential for creativity. Whatever a designer comes up with, he should be able to implement it, and the cost of implementation should be affordable for his clients.
For this to happen, there must be such unique productions in the world that are able to do this. We should not think that if we do not know about these opportunities, they simply do not exist in the world. We do possess such opportunities! Why?
Alexander's Collection art furniture concept came to life because we have our own production facilities, which were built directly for that unique concept, which is what this article is about.
The essence of our concept is the development of unique investment projects in real estate, we could refer to the real estate of the so-called collectible class. This name was introduced by us to the market. Such a concept simply does not exist.
What do we put into this concept?
In our understanding, collection class real estate is a unique property that has no analogue in the world, because these projects should guarantee 100% profit. Agree, in order to make such applications, everything we use for interior and exterior decor should go beyond the usual. All the décor and conceptual idea should be subordinated to one goal: to turn the property into an art object.
What does it mean to have a property as Art?

It means that we use items for decoration that are an integral part of the architecture of both the villa itself and its interior.
This is part of the plan. Then, on top of that, art objects (such as massive wall panels made of unconventional materials or museum-grade furniture) are customised for the property to add visual value and justify the selling price.

If the main condition is fulfilled: low production costs at the highest artistic level of execution and quality, we get a completely unusual property at a pre-approved budget. The art of budgeting is our know-how. With decades of experience in the industry, we understand the cost of production and are able to calculate the budget in advance without even going into details. With a profit margin of 100%, it doesn't make sense. We go within the budget in any case. That's the idea.

In addition, in order to be able to quickly draw up a budget and prepare the project for the investor, it is necessary that the greatest part of the material has already been prepared in a digital library of ideas for both architecture and decoration.
And since this part of the work is also done, practically all the preliminary work is finished and the concept is fully developed. And this, in turn, opens the door for us to work with professionals (designers, decorators, architects and agents)
Since, initially, all products are designed and created for a project, there are no limitations in the manufacturing process. Does it make sense to work with Investment Club, if such a concept could significantly increase the designer's profit, for example, in 2 times? The answer is self-evident.
Unlimited creative opportunities Decorative items for designers

Designing bespoke items for high-end interior decoration.
I have been incredibly lucky in my life to meet the right partners, owners of unique factories with a special mentality, with a special view of European aesthetics, with people of very good taste and a desire to make the most exquisite things in the world.
Without such people, even with high-class craftsmen, it is impossible to create a sustainable business. These people are able to share your philosophy and follow your ideas for years to come, helping you achieve your dreams. I have been with them for over 25 years. Over those many years, not just trusting relationships have developed, but entire business empires and joint ventures have been formed. On the basis of such co-operation today it is possible to make anything at all, anything that the design idea is able to give birth to. If something is invented, it is just a matter of time to implement it in a product.
That is why, today, we have unlimited possibilities for creativity and creation of bespoke items, no matter how complex they might turn out to be. We know that we can do it for absolutely reasonable money. But it's worth it.

So, the global design community can get a unique opportunity to express themselves today, and we can help them figure out how to get results quickly.
See our official website