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Spain. Interior Design - A New Look

Wine room interior design from Alexander's Collection
Ice illusion wine room interior design

A new interior design concept from the leading Ulta luxury brand Alexander's Collection, aimed at creating an emotional living environment. The brand, for many years working in the Asian markets for the most sophisticated clientele, is now settling in Europe.

The idea of building an interior is fundamentally different from anything else on the market today. The brand's chief designer creates his masterpieces in Spain. However, all the unique production and art studio to create extraordinary works of decoration remains in Asia and in Italy.

'Golden Addresses' are planned: a network of key dealers where the brand keeps the opportunity to invest in, as part of its unique marketing programme.

Tth Basis Of Interior Ddesign Is To Generate Emotions

Bathroom luxury interior design from Alexander's Collection
Nature comming to bathroom design. Porcelain birds, mural mosaic with eco plants

Creating emotion in interiors has never been a priority in order to get unique interiors. The typical approach is simply to design a space that is comfortable to live in. To think beyond that about creating a complete image of an interior, you need talent and an unusual visionary approach to the design in general. Only then we get interiors with its own identity, and not stereotyped templates, with which the market is filled so much that it's almost impossible to distinguish one interior from another. The desire to follow stereotypes leads to mass production.

Eco style indoor swimming pool interior design by Alexander's Collection
Eco style indoor swimming pool interior design by Alexander's Collection

A brand is always a person's identity, recognisable at first sight. Emotional interiors are absolutely new on the market. But such tasks cannot be achieved without unique production, where these ideas are tested, creating a whole range of options and their embodiment in the real product.

Today there are practically no such factories. And if similar, the last of the magicians unicums exist, they are forced to occupy a very narrow niche on the market with prohibitive prices.

Alexander's Collection stands apart in the market. Unique production facilities in Asia and co-operation with Italian manufacturers are able to bring creativity that is just not possible otherwise.

So, how do we achieve this?

Master bedroom unique interior design by Alexander's Collection
Concept for master bedroom interior design

Firstly, the very idea and design of the interior must be different from industry standards. We prioritise interior architecture over simple decoration with furniture and accessories, as the majority does.

Having our own manufacturing of wooden panels for walls, the designs of which are in step with the times, many collections of contemporary designs, help us to create unique images. It is the very image that creates the interior. We never tire of repeating that design is not a price, design is an idea. It is the idea capable of turning an image into a masterpiece.

Emotion is the almost elusive art of creating an image where the viewer spontaneously feels a sense of mild euphoria at what they see. This is the effect we call the 'WOW' effect. It is not easy to reach it.

The next tool for mood and emotion creation is an object in the interior, which we call 'eye catcher': the object or groups of objects that the eyes pick out from the total number of decorative items in the interior and instantly stop on it. And this is where that first feeling of euphoria and the WOW effect comes in.

Large open space interior design for villas by Alexander's Collection
Large open space interior design for villas

All designers talk about how they build signature or bespoke interiors when showcasing their portfolios to clients. But only part of the process of selecting this or that designer works according to this principle. The main task remains: what the client imagines for himself, ordering the interior design?

When selecting a designer, he or she may be guided only by his or her portfolio and expect an interior in the style the designer works in.

What does Alexander's Collection do? We completely break stereotypes. If clients knew in advance what they wanted and could explain exactly the image they envisioned, they wouldn't need professional designers. They would do everything themselves.

Therefore, the brand offers a completely different approach on the market. Alexander's Collection and its founder have been involved in many property projects in Asia, where it is precisely the exclusivity of the very idea that is crucial. The more unusual the idea, the less competition for developers.

One of the largest projects where the founder of this unusual brand worked was a large luxury village on a private island, where he was commissioned to design unusual interiors for private villas for the world's elite. Due to the strict confidentiality, we can't disclose this project in details, however, the works on it became the cornerstone for the development of the library of extra class interior designs, where for many years the emotional images of the interiors were elaborated, unusual solutions and designs were born, which later became the basis of such a library and the collections of art furniture, decorative arts, rugs and panels.

What does this kind of experience yield today?

Today, we are able to offer to our clients a preview the design for their homes. Clients select an idea for each area by browsing and discussing it with the brand. And the choice is genuinely enormous, both in terms of styles and taste preferences.

And the greatest thing about this concept is the fact that there is no fee for interior design. Alexander's Collection works exactly according to this principle. Selected interior designs are customised for specific projects and then manufactured at our factories as they are designed.

Transformations And Illusions In Interior Design

Another example of emotioanl interior is the transformation of the visual image in a way that gives a complete change of the interior as desired by the customer, without additional expenses.

Creating these illusions requires a great deal of experience and imagination. But that is what makes Alexander's Collection different from all the others. This is our domain and our niche in the industry.

Formal dining room interior design by Alexander's Collection
Four Seasons interior design. Spring

One example of this type of interior is, for example, the design we did for the formal dining room in one of the largest villas on the Mediterranean coast, and later, for a private restaurant in the house of our client.

The idea suggested to the client was as follows. We offered to change the interior in a way that he could see 4 seasons, when the décor automatically changes, giving the illusion of seasons behind the window, impressing the guests during the reception. In addition to the visuals, the lighting and sound needed to be worked on to complete the illusion. The combination of all of these innovations together makes the transformations and effects similar to the illusionist's visions.

Dining area interior design by Alexander's Collection
Four Seasons interior design. Autumn

The material chosen for the project is so unusual that there is simply no other interior of this level in the world. Special scenic panels made in the silk embroidery technique and the glass beads forming the background are framed in decorative panels and divided by narrow mirrors. All the panels are equipped with a rotating mechanism, in order we could change them if necessary, while keeping them in the same position. But the main effect was a technique of applying glass beads, giving an unusual effect of light reflection.

Formal dining area interior design by Alexander's Collection
Four season interior design concept. Winter

Special colour and transparency of the glass beads fixed to the base of the embroidered canvases gave the effect of light movement, as the viewer moves, like fish scales. By turning the panel, we see the seasons of the year. Different compositions have been made on each side of this rotating structure. They are the ones that generate the illusory effect of 360-degree viewing of the seasons outside the window.

You could imagine the cheers of the guests when they would be able to watch spring, summer, autumn and winter in one evening party. This is what we call emotiobnal interior.

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